
Blue Crane Replacements (BCR) is an innovative custom jewellery design company that specialises in jewellery and diamond replacements.

Fully accredited by the “Jewellery Council of South Africa” we pride ourselves in providing comprehensive accurate valuation Certificates.


One of the main challenges which Blue Crane Replacements and insurance companies experience when dealing with jewellery claims, is during the initial quoting stages of the replacement process. Usually insufficient proof and the inaccurate description of the items which were either stolen or misplaced are given to the insurance company by you, the insured. We cannot overstate the importance of having your jewellery itemised and placed on a detailed valuation certificate, and that these valuation certificates are updated on a regular basis thus avoiding any items from being under-insured.

There are a number of reasons why insurance companies often won’t replace items to their actual values:

Any outdated valuation certificates will result in the item/s being underinsured. We advise getting valuations updated on a regular basis (every 24 months or so).
Often a detailed description of the items is not provided by retail stores, for example, metal and stone weights, number of stones, etc… It is important to have all relevant information on the valuation when insuring an item.

Making a point of sending a copy of your valuation certificate to the insurance and keeping the original safe is of vital importance. Any misplaced or lost certificates will result in the jewellery item not being replaced to the correct value. Valuation certificates are often stolen along with the item/s. Part of our validation service is that we keep the valuation on record, which you may request at any time. This also makes updating your valuation that much easier.

If you do not receive a valuation certificate for a specific jewellery item, it is particularly important to get the item valued especially if it is of high value, and you wish to specify it with your insurance company.

We cannot place enough emphasis on the importance of making sure your jewellery items are correctly valued. It is a simple yet beneficial process which will result in you being sufficiently covered should you ever need it.

If you would like a quotation on all your jewellery or just some special items, please contact:

Tammy Sadie 082 884 2522 or +27 11 484 7205.

We look forward to hearing from you.